Hoërskool Richardsbaai

Our Academic Information

Gr 8 - 9 Compulsory Subjects / Verpligte Vakke

Gr 10 - 12 Compulsory Subjects / Verpligte Vakke

Gr 10 - 12 Choice Subject (In Addition to Compulsory)

Choice Subjects (One subject from each LINE/NUMBER) / Keuse Vakke (Een vak uit elke LYN/NOMMER) / 

Compulsory subjects if Mechanical Technology/Civil Technology is one of them:

Verpligte vakke indien Meganiese Tegnologie/Siviele Tegnologie gekies word:


Our Academic staff is passionate about education. With many years combined experience, we offer all the building blocks to assist our youngster in achieving greatness.